The reason is because I watch too much TV. A lot of my shows are on including How I Met Your Mother and Heroes, as well as, the occasional House and ocassional One Tree Hill (shh!,lol). Currently it is nearing the end of the season.

It's a long story that is told over time. It's a story of Ted's life with his friends and girl problems. Each girl he meets could eventually be revealed to be his wife (their mother). For example, this season came close to revealing his wife, when he met Stella and was left at the alter so close. Selectively they reveal clues of what to expect when he actually meets his wife...
One of my favourite parts of the show is how the storylines interconnect. The episodes aren't hallow fillers. They actually have plot development and contribute to future plots. Some notable stars include Neil Patrick Harris (aka Doogie Howser sp!?) and Jason Segal (aka Peter from Forgettign Sarah Marshall).

This past Monday, season 3 wrapped up with some serious twist. Imagine this. A senetor with flying ablity dies, he's a good guy. Then the ultimate bad guy who has the ability to shape-shift and extract memories is unconscious. He is then
The 4th season is Volume 5: Redemption. Showcasing Sylar posing as Nathan Petrelli as Senetor of New York. Everything's gonna crash and burn when he finds out the truth. They hint at his curiosity of 'not being himself' and given Sylar's past, he's too smart to not figure it out...
The show notably stars Hayden Panettiere as Clair Benit who has the the ability to regenerate and essentially never die; she is the star of the movie I Love You, Beth Cooper (which looks super dumb, lol). It also stars Masi Oka as Hiro Nakamura (who starred in Get Smart) Ali Larter as the triplets (who is the crazy pshycho-stalker chick in Obsessed) and Zachary Quinto as the ultimate super villian Sylar (who is Mr. Spock himself of the upcoming Star Trek movie, epic).
And that's basically my Mondays.
I'm out like season three of Heroes...