meaning to cross-over one of these days,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Being Alone Will Make You Realize, When It's Over, All In Love Is Fair...

My first wife returns to the limelight with her first single off, The Elements of Freedom; which is releasing December 1st...
Alicia Keys - "Doesn't Mean Anything" Music Video
Honestly. My morning was messed. I seriously thought I was put in a situation that I wasn't really in. I seriously thought I lost a lot in an instant and everything I had was slipping through my fingers. Talk about fragile right.
I admit I'm not in the healthiest of states. Sleep-deprivation-wise, friendship-wise and relationship-wise. There's only so much you can control with your own power. I haate feeling helpless. So that's why if any ship goes down, I should stand up to the sinking until I'm hair-line deep. Because no matter how bad things are, in reality, there's always room for things to be worse.
Cherish the good things you have. If they're gone, you want them back. I felt kinda lost/confused and damn, it sucked. I realized I'm too preoccupied with my own sh!t to deal with anything outside of me--selfish I know. I kept thinking; how do you cope when you don't have the time to play mender? I was pretty rattled, heart-broken even; when really I didn't have to be. It's like playing 'what-if' without eliminating the fantasy. Pretty whack. This is what went through my head during class; so it's appropriate that this video dropped today I guess.
I'm out like contentment after realizing you're losing it...
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I Got The Right, To Put Up A Fight, But Not Quite, 'Cause You Cut Off My Light...

A very bizarre short film directed by Spike Jonze, the director of the film-adaptation of the children's story, Where The Wild Things Are. It stars Kanye West; the two also collaborated on Ye's Flashing Lights video...
"We Were Once A Fairytale" Short Film
Kudos to one of my friends posting this on fb; I didn't even know they did this collaboration.
I'm out like suicidal creatures from flower petal guts...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
'To Reset Your Buzz Lightyear, Insert Paperclip'...

Damn, no one believed me before when I said this was coming out and Andy was in college and what not--do I joke around thaat much!? lol
"Toy Story 3" Trailer
Never missed a Disney/Pixar since TS started it. I remember in grade 2 when we had to write a story everyday in those note books, there was a good 2 weeks where I wrote out the entire story of Toy Story!! LOL. I kept writing 'to be continued' at the end, and eventually my teacher commented 'please end this soon' LOL.
The best scene in the first one was when Woody and Buzz put a rocket on RC! Epic! lol. Everyone was a Buzz fan, but I remember as a kid I empathized with Woody a lot because Buzz was so oblivious the whole movie (idiot) and he was stealing all Wood's friends lol.
I'm out like the living toys from the house...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
'The One Day Of The Year, Where We Gather Together And Give Slaps'...
Never posted from my life in a while. My Thanksgiving weekend was good overall despite my pile of homework. The week immediately after the holiday break consists of a quiz, a midterm and an online assignment; bearing in mind that the following week I have 2 assignments and a midterm as well.
Friday: Played ball for the first time in a long time. I just don't have the leisure time anymore. It was good except for my congestion making it difficult to breathe at times and my obligatory knee resting. After I played I went to Ez's birthday party. I just chilled, drank, ate and played around with his drum kit, lol.
Saturday: I studied all day. Spontaneuously left my books to go watch a movie with Nadine. Saw Couples' Retreat. It was aaalright. The plot was a tad lame, but it was pretty damn funny. After that I went to Shawn's for a little to chill with the fam (shawn, niko, p rosey). I haven't seen them in agessssss cause of school--damn. Just chilled outside and then went in and watched an old epi of Entourage.
Sunday: Studied and then went to church in the afternoon. It was the Barangay Sang Birhen fiest that my tita hosts every year and SJF. It was fun as always. It was also my cousion AJ's bday so we went back to their house after. Just chilled, played Apples to Apples (I won obv cause im loud and abnoxious lol), played Scribblenauts, ate leftovers/cake. Ended up sleeping over and played 2K10 until 4am!!! haha! That was messed.

Monday: Woke up. Did some homework. Waited for the fam to come and had Thanksgiving Lunch lol. After that, studied some more until I finished my homework triumphantly! Then just relaxed and enjoyed the dayyy. Ate so0o much fooood, watched random videos with my cousins, played more Scribblenauts, napped.

Then eventually went home; caught HIMYM and studied until 1am for my quiz I just had. I wish I had the video montage one, but yeah here's Marshall's song after the 'best' double date of his life, lol...
HIMYM: Marshall - "It Was The Best Night Ever"
Overall it was a good Thanksgiving Weekend. I enjoyed it. Now it's go time. Playoff beard is slowly showing face =/ as scruff oct continues.
I'm out like conservative eating during Thanksgiving...
BONUS: Another Marshall Eriksen song for Slapsgiving (not quite the American Thanksgiving yet, same difference)
HIMYM: "The Last Slap"
Friday: Played ball for the first time in a long time. I just don't have the leisure time anymore. It was good except for my congestion making it difficult to breathe at times and my obligatory knee resting. After I played I went to Ez's birthday party. I just chilled, drank, ate and played around with his drum kit, lol.
Saturday: I studied all day. Spontaneuously left my books to go watch a movie with Nadine. Saw Couples' Retreat. It was aaalright. The plot was a tad lame, but it was pretty damn funny. After that I went to Shawn's for a little to chill with the fam (shawn, niko, p rosey). I haven't seen them in agessssss cause of school--damn. Just chilled outside and then went in and watched an old epi of Entourage.
Sunday: Studied and then went to church in the afternoon. It was the Barangay Sang Birhen fiest that my tita hosts every year and SJF. It was fun as always. It was also my cousion AJ's bday so we went back to their house after. Just chilled, played Apples to Apples (I won obv cause im loud and abnoxious lol), played Scribblenauts, ate leftovers/cake. Ended up sleeping over and played 2K10 until 4am!!! haha! That was messed.

Monday: Woke up. Did some homework. Waited for the fam to come and had Thanksgiving Lunch lol. After that, studied some more until I finished my homework triumphantly! Then just relaxed and enjoyed the dayyy. Ate so0o much fooood, watched random videos with my cousins, played more Scribblenauts, napped.

Then eventually went home; caught HIMYM and studied until 1am for my quiz I just had. I wish I had the video montage one, but yeah here's Marshall's song after the 'best' double date of his life, lol...
HIMYM: Marshall - "It Was The Best Night Ever"
Overall it was a good Thanksgiving Weekend. I enjoyed it. Now it's go time. Playoff beard is slowly showing face =/ as scruff oct continues.
I'm out like conservative eating during Thanksgiving...
BONUS: Another Marshall Eriksen song for Slapsgiving (not quite the American Thanksgiving yet, same difference)
HIMYM: "The Last Slap"
Saturday, October 10, 2009
'Good Day, I Like Cold Potatoes'...

I can't get this out of my head everytime I study or go to the library I hear: 'Donde esta la biblioteca?' lol. My sis got me on to this show...
Community: Spanish Rap at 'Spanish 101' end credits
It's is a pretty solid show so far. With that said. I gotta go hit the books hard.
I'm out like Abed signing off...
BONUS: Abed and Troy at the end of the most recent epi. Hilarious!
Community: Abed and Troy at 'Social Psychology' end credits
Thursday, October 8, 2009
These Streets Will Make You Feel Brand New, Big Lights Will Inspire You...

Apparently this comes out next week? I knew it was done but I was expecting commercials to air, or something, to give some indication. Should be an interesting film...
"New York, I Love You" Trailer
It's from the producer of Paris, Je T'aime, it's the same concept, but instead of Paris the setting is New York. It's basically a collection of love stories happening at the same time in the same city. For this they have a plethora of directors, including actor Natalie Portman. The cast is stacked also.
As much as I love dramas, I'm still a sucker for good, honest romance plots (i.e. Notebook & 500 Days) (soft I know). I've noticed that I've gotten more into romances ever since I got with my gf (soft I know). It's honestly because I can really identify with the characters more sincerely and this makes it more interesting for me to watch.
I'm out like Big Apple love in the air...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I Was Taught Be Smart Stay Humble, I Was Taught Be Hard Don't Fumble...

It's that time of the year you've all been waiting for. HBO's 7th installment of 24/7 airs on the 24th of October--getting hyped yet!?
"Pacquiao-Cotto 24/7" Teaser
This is a little teaser for 24/7 where Max Kellerman (aka dude who broke up Mayweather/Mosley) face off in an interview with the two boxers. 11/07/09 let's go!
I'm out like Marquez in the second...
Cause I’m At The End Of My Wits With Half This Sh!t That Gets In...
So a few days ago, MTV did their annual Hottest MC's [pause] special. Their top 10 was okay, but kinda iffy: Gucci Mane? Rick Ross?. I know it's hard to make a list so I won't hate. But Gucci Mane!? lol. I know he's on like every song, but still. I dislike his music; personally think it's just weakk...
If you have Raekwon present on the list, why not other lyrical rappers who released albums this year with decent buzz, like; Mos Def, Meth/Red, Joey/Joel/Nickle/Crook, Eminem, Cudi???
Obviously I'll give a list of my own on the bases of hot = recent buzz, lyrical, push boundaries, mainstream appeal...
10) KiD CuDi: not an 'MC' per-say, not super lyrical per-say, but who can mess with the music and innovation he puts into his music. I'll label it hip-hop because it is hip-hop. Hip Hop is innovation and evolution, and he brings that.Strictly IMO, everybodies got an opinion.
9) Raekwon: sequel-ed a classic this year and brought back the Wu rawness in one of the best albums of the year.
8) Mos Def: The Ecstatic was solid Mos. Not a lot of mainstream buzz, but he's on his form--don't sleep!
7) Fabolous: released the most 'successful' album of his career to date, and is still one of the most underrated.
6) Lil' Wayne: no album, but pumping out features with higher credibility then most of the game.
5) Joe Budden (+ Slaughterhouse): supergroup uprise + decent Padded Room+ 1/4 of the most lyrically mind-blowing album of the year
4) Eminem: made a comeback from drug addiction and released one of the rawest, most honest and lyrical albums of the year--no one can touch his flow. Close 3rd.
3) Kanye West: a bunch of singles this year from 808's, and his features are pretty on point.
2) Drake: most buzzed rapper in a long while (Snoop/50), every track he released is accepted in the mainstream, and as well by hip hoppers. His lyrical game is just right to be accepted and he can still go raw when he wants to [pause].
(Personally, listening to more Drizzy, I'm starting to feel the word 'overrated' MILDLY approaching just a tadddd--*gasp* *cast stones*. Maybe it's the mainstream love that he gets by everyone? Fear was ill though, we need an album to accompany all this buzz Jimmy!)
1) Jay-Z: self-explanatory. Most buzzed album of the year. Most looked-up to. Not the most lyrical this year, but still has a hard flow. Most well-known. He's like a president in hip hop.
I'm out like Eminem from MTV's 10...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Give A Little Bit: Entourage Season 6 Finale...
Not the greatest season, but honestly one of the best Entourage episodes ever to end it off...

Here's my favourite scene: Ari Gold (+ paintball gun) fulfills his promise to 'walk the place Terminator-style and eradicate all the dead weight' ahaha...
Ari Gold Goes 'Terminator Style'
After Ari takes over his biggest agency company competitor, he begins 'firing' with no subtleties. Ari Gold = best character on TV period (seriously)...
But really, one of the best finales I've ever seen;
- Matt Damon's intensity is hilarious! haha.. 'I got Bono here' 'Do what's right Vince!'
- E finally did the right thing, geez
- Johnny Drama on holding deal and still going to Italy
- Vinnie off to shoot Enzo Ferrari
- Jamie Lynn gone for now.. knew it wouldn't last tooo long
- Lloyd's with Ari again and finally an agent
- Ari runs an empire
I'm out like D-Lett's sex scandal...

Here's my favourite scene: Ari Gold (+ paintball gun) fulfills his promise to 'walk the place Terminator-style and eradicate all the dead weight' ahaha...
Ari Gold Goes 'Terminator Style'
After Ari takes over his biggest agency company competitor, he begins 'firing' with no subtleties. Ari Gold = best character on TV period (seriously)...
But really, one of the best finales I've ever seen;
- Matt Damon's intensity is hilarious! haha.. 'I got Bono here' 'Do what's right Vince!'
- E finally did the right thing, geez
- Johnny Drama on holding deal and still going to Italy
- Vinnie off to shoot Enzo Ferrari
- Jamie Lynn gone for now.. knew it wouldn't last tooo long
- Lloyd's with Ari again and finally an agent
- Ari runs an empire
I'm out like D-Lett's sex scandal...
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