I have no effing sense of direction too far south; simply because I don't go down there for anything. So obv I got completely mind fcucked. The irony is that when we were heading down I was listing all the things wrong with my car and bashing it's 'drive-ability'. Saying, 'I don't think anyone would wanna drive my car'. And now most likely, no one can...

Factors? Honestly I lost control.
Prevention? The only 'DANGER' sign illuminated by my headlights was far away and not relevant to the road. So it threw my off looking at that sign. Through my semi-fogged windshield I tried to find the sharp turn that was indicated up ahead, and ironically, it found me.
Damage? Wheel bashed into framework of car. So close that there's no allowance for movement of the wheel. Undriveable.
Plus side? Honestly, there's no plus to this. Other then the cliche 'no one got hurt'. No one's suppose to get hurt, I don't get into accidents =S, I'm not a careless driver. So that's bullsh!t and unfortunate that this happened =( I see no plus right now.
Aftermath? No car for a while.
Afterthoughts? Oh man, I'm like mad defeated right now. I'm kinda depressed that this is how I kick off summer 09. I'm trying not to dwell, but honestly, the replay button is worn out in my head. I'm in this weird hole, like, I'm haating life right now.
I'm out like me in a drivers seat for a while...